Candidates and Journalist Campaign Pledges · Let It Begin with Me

If you don’t like these pledges, create your own. If you’re reluctant to take a pledge unless others also take it, think of it as an opportunity to be a catalyst for change, and to show voters how you would handle difficult issues or situations.

liberty logoExample Campaign Pledge for Candidates

  1. I will put the needs of those I represent ahead of my personal desires.
  2. For each promise I make, I will explain the process to make it happen and any obstacles that must be overcome. If others must be involved, I will explain how I will inspire them to collaborate.
  3. Rather than criticize or accuse, I will ask my opponents to clarify specific actions or speech. If I was not a direct observer, I will seek to understand the full context of the action or speech.
  4. If an opponent does or says something I don’t accept, I will ask questions until my opponent clarifies the issue. If my opponent refuses to answer my questions, I will encourage voters and journalists to ask all candidates the same questions.
  5. If accused or criticized, I will not respond defensively or counterattack. I will ask myself the questions I would want my accusers to ask instead of making accusations and then answer those questions.
  6. Candidates are entitled to a private life. I will limit my comments to actions or speech that are relevant to official duties.
  7. I welcome all verified information as an opportunity to expand my own understanding. I will ask questions until I’m satisfied that I’ve reached the best possible conclusion using all relevant information.
  8. I will assume that those who disagree with me know something I don’t. I will ask questions and reconsider my own position in an attempt to find common ground.
  9. I ask voters and the press to monitor my compliance with this pledge, point out lapses, and give me an opportunity to correct any problems before making those lapses public.
  10. I will work with the other candidates to create a pledge we can all agree to.

liberty logoExample Campaign Pledge for Journalists

  1. I will place quality and service to the voters above entertainment value and attention-grabbing headlines.
  2. I will place the burden of proof on accusers. The accused is not expected to prove innocence. Before reporting an accusation, I will ask what specific first-hand observations or speech the accused should explain, question all concerned to learn the full context of the situation, and include the accused’s response as part of the initial report.
  3. Candidates are entitled to a private life. I will limit reporting to actions or speech that are relevant to official duties.
  4. I will report fairly, with equal quality for all sides. I will insist on reasoned, verifiable arguments. I will ask my sources appropriate questions, placing the burden of proof on myself and my sources.
  5. If I discover a lapse in a candidate’s compliance with a pledge, I will give the candidate an opportunity to correct the problem before reporting the incident. I will report the solution as well as the problem.
  6. I ask voters and candidates to monitor my compliance with this pledge, point out lapses, and give me an opportunity to correct any problems.